Learn about our music programming below:
Choir – Trimester Class, students will sing every day and learn about music theory and vocal technique, arranging and composing music, and how to accompany themselves on the Ukulele. Students will perform in a concert at the end of the trimester.
Modern Band Class – This would be a class that focuses on learning to play, perform on, and compose with modern band instruments (drums, guitar, bass, keyboard, vocals)
5th Grade Band – This is our beginning band. Instruments offered are flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, and percussion. We give at least two concerts per year. Students in beginning band are eligible to audition for the DPS Citywide Festival
Advanced Band – This class is offered as a PBL this year and is open to middle school students who have a year or more experience on their instrument. We give 2-3 concerts per year. Students in advanced band are eligible to audition for the DPS Citywide Festival, participate in the DPS Solo/Ensemble Festival, and in the DPS Band Showcase.
Exploratory Music – This class is open to all middle school students and takes a Modern Band approach to our state standards. Students will learn the basics of ukulele or guitar, drum set (percussion), bass, keyboard, and vocals. We will focus on performing music, music theory, creating music, and analyzing/discussing music.