October 18, 2024

October 18, 2024

Dear Grant Ranch Families, 

We have had a great week of learning and growing at Grant Ranch! Students in grades 3-8 completed interim assessments in math, literacy, social studies, and science. As scores are coming in, we are thrilled with the academic achievement our students are showing. I am excited to be able to share more specific results in the upcoming weeks. We are so excited to see all of our Grizzlies at the Fall Festival tomorrow! Be on the lookout for the 5’9″ chicken and come say “hi!” 

Megan Bohanan, interim principal


  • Tu Voz/Your Voice Survey Help improve DPS for all students by completing the DPS “Your Voice/Tu Voz” family survey, open now through Friday, Nov. 1. Your feedback is important to DPS and can help ensure that Every Learner Thrives! Click here to complete the survey ➡️ https://survey.k12insight.com/r/3hYhCO 
  • October 19th 4:00-6:00- Fall Festival! We are moving our Trunk or Treat inside to avoid the rain!  There will be raffle prizes- $100 for the BEST decorated trunk, $50 for second place, and $25 for third place!  We are still looking for candy donations. Please bring a bag with you on Saturday!
    Other Festival events will include: A costume contest, games, hot dogs and concessions, and more spooky fun!


  • Keeping Kids Safe Online Please see this resource for more information on questions to ask, parental controls, and other strategies to ensure our Grizzlies are safe on the internet. 
  • Elementary Caregivers Please see this list of books and resources on Healthy Relationships. 
  • Middle School Caregivers Quarter 2 starts on Monday. Please support students with staying up to date on their classwork, checking how they are using their time in study hall and in class, and being in class ready to learn everyday!


    • Thursday, October 31st: Halloween Fun!
      • Students can wear costumes all day
        • No masks, no weapons
        • Students must be able to take care of their own bio breaks
  • 9:15-9:30 School-wide parade along the inside of the front field fence
      • Families can watch from the outside of the fence. The ONLY parking spots that will be open in the parking lot will be the handicap spots. Please park on Jay Circle, being respectful of our neighbors. 
      • Parade followed by Monster Mash and Cupid Shuffle on field
  • November 19-20th: 5th Grade Balarat Overnight
    • 5th grade caregivers, please watch these videos (in English and Spanish) for caregivers about this trip!
  • December 2nd-February 21st: Grant Ranch Winter Enrichments from ELCS Registration opens October 17th at 6:00, through October 29th. More details and registration information at this link

Options include:

  • Sticky Fingers Cooking Club
  • Fast Break Basketball
  • January 14th, April 14th 5:00-7:00 pm: Grant Ranch Skate City Nights!


Oct 20 – Dec 20

  • Oct 19 Fall Festival 4-6:30  (PTO)
  • Nov 18-22: Quarter 2 Spirit Week
  • Nov 22: Quarter 2 Award Assembly

Jan 6 – March 15

  • Jan 29: Lunar New Year, Year of the Snake
  • TBD Whole School Dance (PTO)
  • March 17-21 Quarter 3 Spirit Week
  • March 21 Quarter 3 Award Assembly

March 17 – June 3

  • May 2: Dia Del Nino (PTO + us + Sandra Castor)
  • May 16: Field Day
  • May 23 Back up Field Day
  • May 27-Quarter 4 Spirit Week
  • Quarter 4 Award Assembly
  • Field Day
  • Continuations


Tuesday, 10/22/24 6:00-7:00 pm – “Raising Media Smart Kids” (Social Media Safety presentation)

This session will provide resources and tips for families on the dangers of social media, and how to help your student stay SAFE and SMART online. Use this session to gain valuable information AND collaborate with other families on technology safety solutions. 

-Where: Zoom – Register HERE! or YouTube LIVE: youtube.com/@DPSFACEUniversity 

Three families who attend the session will win tickets to the Children’s Museum, Museum of Nature and Science, and Colorado History Museum!

Important Links and Numbers

2024-25 School Year Calendar

GRS 2024-25 Student-Family Handbook

Discovery LInk Registration

DPS Transportation: 720-423-4600

If you have any questions about any of the information that has been provided please contact the Main Office at 720-424-6880.